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Facebook Link Scraper

Enhance your marketing efforts by extracting valuable links from Facebook pages, posts, and profiles. SocLeads' Facebook Link Scraper allows you to gather relevant URLs for deeper analysis and outreach.

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Facebook Link Scraper Facebook Link Scraper

What is a Facebook Link Scraper?

A Facebook link scraper is a tool designed to extract URLs from Facebook content, including posts, pages, and profiles. This helps marketers gather links for research, lead generation, or competitive analysis.

Why do you need a Facebook Link Scraper?

Using a Facebook link scraper saves time by automating the process of collecting relevant links from various Facebook pages and posts. This data can be used for outreach campaigns, link building, or audience research.

Key advantages of SocLeads Facebook Link Scraper

Extracts URLs from Facebook content efficiently.

Provides valuable links for research, outreach, and lead generation.

Enables easy tracking of competitor or industry-relevant links.

How to use the Facebook Link Scraper

1. Create a SocLeads account.

2. Input the Facebook page or profile you wish to scrape.

3. Start the automated process to gather the URLs.

How much will Facebook Link Scraper cost?

Free Trial
7 days
contacts / month
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$9 / month
contacts / month
Get started
$59 / month
contacts / month
Get started
$149 / month
contacts / month
Get started
What kind of links can I collect with a Facebook Link Scraper?
You can extract URLs from posts, shared content, comments, and profile sections on Facebook. The type of links you gather depends on the source and your scraping criteria.
Is scraping links from Facebook legal?
SocLeads ensures compliance with legal guidelines by scraping only publicly accessible URLs, adhering to Facebook's terms and conditions, and following privacy regulations.

SocLeads adheres to DMCA and CFAA regulations by scraping publicly available and non-password-protected information from Facebook, ensuring compliance with all legal standards.
